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Sometimes I get to talk about real life.

Live Lit Shows

Chicago is filthy with live lit series, and I'm lucky enough to co-host Tuesday Funk, which I can say with total objectivity is the best. I have also read essays at CHIRP Radio's First Time, Story Club Chicago, Miss Spoken, and 20 x 2 Chicago.

Essays, Personal & Critical

Crossing Over in Slate

The Deep Sea is Safe. Trust Me, I've Been There in Slate

The Transformational Power of Humor in The Nerd Daily

Men So Badly Wasted in Bright Wall/Dark Room

Field Guide to Clothes I've Been Wearing Since March in 20x2 Chicago Quaranzine (p. 18)

At Sea with Scientists, I Learned What It Means to Be an Explorer in Catapult

What Killmonger Can Teach America about Heroism in LA Review of Books

Reflections on The Giving Tree at 50 in Gapers Block

Democrats flipped the House, now they need to stop being Eeyores and flip the script in USA Today

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